Tuesday, October 27, 2009


i think i am about to start a spiritual journey.
i am starting. i have started.

i feel i am ready for this.
excited even.

i think its time to stop just existing. and holding on.
to begin to search again for hope.
to learn how to hold hope for others,
not just problem solve.

it will require a lot of contemplation.
a lot of learned meditation.
and maybe some dancing...
(and possibly roller derby).

i don't kid myself that it will happen quickly.
or ever end. or even be apparent.

but i know that something has to change.
and i have to start making some changes.
and i know i need some help on the way.

so i'm excited....
maybe i'll use this as a forum to reflect on...
or maybe paper is better, we'll see...
but. i want to make sure i don't just let it slip away.

1 comment:

~Nanc. said...

oh mate! This fills my heart with so much joy! I'm so excited for this new turn in the road! Please keep me posted! I am trying to learn how to hold myself and others in hope as well!
I love you so much!
keep your eyes on the mail!!